OSORIO, MARTA GAVIOTA Ref. 9788439281122 Veure altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Veure altres productes del mateix autor
    Every morning Heriberto the lizard stretches out to sunbathe at the very top of a rock. And he dreams, but only in one colour at a time. For instance, one day all his dreams may be in blue, and the next day in yellow, and the next day in green . . .Heriberto has grand adventures in his dreams. Bu...
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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-84-392-8112-2
    • Encuadernació : OTROS
    • Data de Edició : 01/01/1999
    • Any de edició : 1999
    • Idioma : Español, Castellano
    • Autors : OSORIO, MARTA
    • Ilustradores : MONREAL VIOLETA
    • Nombre de pàgines : 72
    • Col·lecció : JUNIOR ROJA
    Every morning Heriberto the lizard stretches out to sunbathe at the very top of a rock. And he dreams, but only in one colour at a time. For instance, one day all his dreams may be in blue, and the next day in yellow, and the next day in green . . .
    Heriberto has grand adventures in his dreams. But when he makes friends with Heriberta the duck, he learns to get to know himself, to see that he had become so used to living with his eyes closed that he hadn’t even realised what he himself was like. And as he looks at Heriberta, he learns to get to know himself. Heriberto keeps looking around with his eyes wide open, and he sees the sky, the trees, the river . . .
    In wonder, he notes that there are hundreds of blended colours in the world, and he finally starts dreaming in colour. Every afternoon when the sun goes down, Heriberto and Heriberta open their eyes while in the sky the stars appear hanging on high, and the two friends tell each other the dreams they’ve had.

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