CALLEJA, SEVE GAVIOTA Ref. 9788439287858 Veure altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Veure altres productes del mateix autor
    One day, as they do every afternoon on leaving school, Ana; Gus, Mario and their gang went to see Pedro Ciego, a true wizard in the art of telling tales. This time, he has a very special tale in store for them. It is about Ludia, a butterfly that lost the colour of her wings at birth and whose dream...
    Ancho: 125 cm Largo: 180 cm Peso: 250 gr
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    6,50 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-84-392-8785-8
    • Encuadernació : OTROS
    • Data de Edició : 01/01/1995
    • Any de edició : 1995
    • Idioma : Español, Castellano
    • Autors : CALLEJA, SEVE
    • Ilustradores : FERRáNDIZ ELENA
    • Nombre de pàgines : 96
    • Col·lecció : R
    One day, as they do every afternoon on leaving school, Ana; Gus, Mario and their gang went to see Pedro Ciego, a true wizard in the art of telling tales. This time, he has a very special tale in store for them. It is about Ludia, a butterfly that lost the colour of her wings at birth and whose dream is to make friends, ever if it has to be in the human forest.
    To achieve this, she is prepared to run any risk and to use up all the strength of her wings, but never to give up. Her watery colouring may even help her if she has to fly through dangerous places.

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