In the first story of this book, "A Mouth in My Stomach", we meet Cándido, a boy who is as "good as gold" and does full justice to his name. One day, however, precisely because of his good nature, a mouth appears in his stomach, a mouth whose words and actions are those that would belong to a normal, naughty Cándido.
The second story, entitled "The Doll", tells the tale of a perfect, fairy-tale princess who is about to marry an equally perfect prince. However, the illustrator of the story accidentally spills ink over the princess¿ arm. On seeing the ugly stain, the prince no longer wishes to marry her.
The third and last story is called "Fingertips". Amadeo is at home. Using his incredible imagination, he pretends to be many different characters and at the same time makes a complete mess of the house. Now and again his livid mother shouts at him in a threatening tone or calls him a clumsy oaf... and the most unlikely objects begin to grow on his fingers: knives, ropes, lamps, etc, until one day eggs grow on his fingertips.